Wednesday 4 January 2012

Freaky Friday (2003)

Jaime Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan switch minds in FREAKY FRIDAY

Freaky Friday opens as we learn that Tess Coleman (Jaime Lee Curtis) a career psychiatrist is getting re-married despite her daughter Anna's (Lindsay Lohan) complaints, she was her father's daughter and hates her mother for getting re-married. Following an intense argument in a Chinese restaurant Tess and Anna find that they have switched bodies (or minds). For both it is hell because Tess is getting married on Friday and Anna has a super important gig with her band the same day. Something obviously has to be done so mother and daughter decide to play each other for a week.

Freaky Friday is based on a very popular Mary Rogers novel written in 1972 which had a number of adaptations and this is (believe it or not) the only one that's any good). The first Jodie Foster version was campy and silly, the 1995 TV version was just bad, this 2003 version is a fun, wild and entertaining ride with some fantastic elements. "Freaky Friday" features Lindsay Lohan when she was just a sweet and careless Disney actress and she is fantastic in this film as she plays dual roles: a rebellious, rocking teen and a stuffy, boring psychiatrist and she is fantastic in both roles and so is Jaime Lee Curtis who is at her tops in this film. For me Freaky Friday was a surprise as i was expecting a mediocre film and i got the best teenage comedy ever made.

RATING: ***** (5/5)

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