In a futuristic world, a rebel Zed (Sean Connery) jumps into the head of his gigantic god Zardoz (Niall Buggy) and crosses over into a different world run by a group of bored immortals who are doomed to live forever in a vortex of time and space. Zed trained only to kill experiences love for the first time with Consuella (Charlotte Rampling).
Calling Zardoz the worst movie of all times is an insult to bad films, Zardoz is not a bad film, it is an atrocious, dull, stupid, careless, pointless, ugly, disgusting, distraught and misdirected can of celluloid. I am reluctant to call "Zardoz" a movie because nothing that contains the line: "Penis is bad, guns are good" said in a non-comical matter can be called a movie. Now the premise is acceptable, but the idea to put Sean Connery in a red diaper and have him play a gunman in the plains of Ireland couldn't have had a clear mind. Of course he didn't because that decision belongs to John Boorman a man who had made "Close Encounters of Ned Beatty Kind". Back on the subject Zardoz is the single worst mess i had the bad luck to sit trough. This thing had absolutely the worst editing, acting, writing and directing. It is a stupid, arrogant and wrong (not to mention unsuccessful) way to get written into the history of film.
RATING: ' (0/5)
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