Thursday 5 January 2012

Scenes from a Mall (1991)

Bette Midler and Woody Allen play out these Scenes from a Mall

Scenes from a Mall is a movie with a frighteningly simple plot. In it Nick (Woody Allen) and his wife Deborah (Bette Midler) have a series of arguments in the middle of the mall.

When i popped Scenes from a Mall in my DVD player i was expecting a lot, and i got very little. It is a series of tired, flat, jokes and boring dialogues. Also when the running gag of the film is seeing Woody Allen with a pony tail dragging a surf board around a moll you're in big problems.

I guess someone had an idea to connect Woody Allen and Bette Middler together but they should have gotten Woody to write the script and not Roger Simon and Paul Mazursky who are separately okay writers but together don't seem to be able to write a single good line. Woody pulls this movie from complete mud when he inserts some of his jokes in there but this film is still absolutely terrible.

RATING: ** (2/5)

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