Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Odd Couple (1968)

Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon embark on their most successful journey in The Odd Couple

A hypochondriac, neat freak, do-gooder Felix Ungar (Jack Lemmon) is chased out of his flat by his wife and he is forced to move in with his messy, short tempered best friend Oscar Maddison (Walter Matthau). As you can see not everything is going to go fine.

The Odd Couple is simply the best comedy ever made. It's funny, fun, well-written and it contains the best performances from both Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon portraying Neil Simon's best-known characters. There is nothing more than needs to be said other than if you haven't seen The Odd Couple you have never seen a good comedy.

RATING: ***** (5/5)

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